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On March 7, 2022, I was baptized into Christ knowing the only reason one can be baptized into Christ.  I did not do this for anyone but Jesus Christ.  Matthew 16:24 Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."  One must literally emptying ones self of self and live for Him.  

One has to understand, He has to be the only reason we are baptized.  Lord, because I love you and I trust your Holy Word and will obey it completely is the reason I am baptized.  I have made up my mind to commit and do whatever Your word says to do and live by it as my sole authority and guide.  I know that submitting to baptism is doing what the word says I must do. 

I know that in the water is the exact point that I contact the blood of Christ that washes away my sins and that the water does not wash away my sins.  I know if I don't submit to the baptism in water that I can never contact that life giving blood that saves.  Rev 1:5.  We sing it all the time, "What can wash away my sin, nothing but the blood of Jesus." The result of one trusting and obeying Christ is that we receive the benefits of being a faithful disciple of His.  I know if we live faithful to Him and His word we will receive a reward, that is the crown of life.  I hear people say all the time I want to be baptized because I want . . . and the list goes on and on.  Any other answer other than to do His will is for the wrong reason.  When I was 18, I was baptized because I wanted to get a girlfriend that I was quarrelling with.  Wrong reason.  When I was 32, I was baptized because I wanted to start my new life with my wife off right.  Wrong reason.  If the reason is not Lord I will do whatever you say to do and that is the only reason, the reason is wrong.  We sing it all the time, "Trust and Obey for there is no other way." I don't want anyone to say Brandon did this because he didn't understand or he wanted this or that to happen, etc, etc. . .  I am the Lord's and He is mine.

I show this video for this reason:

Who were witnesses of my baptism?  Ricky my brother, Courtlan my son, Dana my wife, Gerry, Chuck, Nelson, Roger and Alan my friends and family in the Lord were all witnesses.  There are those of our church family who know this happened but the elders and deacons who know of this for some reason won't share it with the church.  Now I want to squash right now any comment where someone says Brandon did this for this reason or that.   Are the elders to know the flock as shepherds or not?  And several have questioned why they have never announced it to the church family at Marietta.  I Corinthians 12: 24-26 says, "But God composed the body, having given greater honor to that part which lacks it, 25 that there should be no schism in the body, but that the members should have the same care for one another. 26 And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it."  The question has to be why hasn't my joy in the Lord been shared?  My sins have been washed away.  Can't they see by not knowing the flock and announcing the baptism of a brother they could be causing a schism?  But they got up and said they have studied with Brandon but they still wouldn't allow a brother washed of in the watery grave to say a prayer, teach a class, serve on the Lord's Supper, lead a song even on a Wednesday night singing night because they are quote, "punishing me for not repenting."  But I have been washed in the blood.  Anything that I was being quote, "punished for," before this date is not grounds for disfellowship and needs to retracted immediately and those holding this against me need to repent for their actions. 

Now today is February 2, 2023.  Almost a year later and they have still not announced it.  One has to ask why?  What is their motive?  Why can't they let go?  

December 11, 2022.  The Disfellowship

Begins at 4:20 into recording

Greg Hambrick:

Thank you for remaining for a few moments.  To listen to what we have to share with you this morning.  If you would take your Bibles out and turn to Matthew.  I would like to read three verses.  The words of Jesus.  That he shares with us in chapter 18.  Matthew Chapter 18.  We will be reading starting in verse number 15

Moreover if your brother sins against you go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.  If he hears you, you have gained your brother.  But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.  And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church.  But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.

At this time, your eldership, John Finley and myself, need to inform the congregation of an ongoing problem that has been occurring for approximately two years.  During this time frame, the elders have constantly met and studied with Brandon McMillin.  To try to convince him to repent of the following sins.  Lashing out and disrespecting the elders in a public and class setting.  Holding grudges against a brother in Christ.  Causing divisions and backbiting against the eldership.  And refusing to submit to the elderships authority. 

As one example of Brandon’s behavior, Brandon has gone around telling others that young people of various ages cannot be baptized or teach Wednesday devotionals.  And has repeated disrespected the authority of the elders judgment in these areas among others.  During this time the elders have removed Brandon from being allowed to teach public Bible classes at the assembly.  Lead singing and serve the Lord’s Table.  These as progressive disciplinary actions and pleading with him to repent of these sins.  Brandon has defied these decisions of the elders in the following ways.  Signing up to teach Bible class anyway.  And getting up to lead singing of 5th Wednesday singing nights. 

John Thompson:

We have allowed Brandon to have an ongoing personal Bible Study on Tuesday mornings in the church annex.  Typically with several men present.  It has come to our attention that he has used this occasion to back bite, gossip, disrespect the discissions of the eldership and essentially try to split the congregation into factions. 

The following quotes are offered as evidence which came from the most recent Tuesday study on December 6.  A comment was made there is no unity in the church family at Marietta. 

A comment was made we need to be thorns in the elders side, not that I am trying to develop this division, the division is here.  The elders have caused it. 

Another comment was made.  We are going to take it before the church and let them know about the elders hypocrisy and we are not going anywhere.  And if after we take it the elders hypocrisy before the church eventually we will have to leave and say, y’all can have it.  But sadly there is going to be people who stay with the elders. 

Another comment that was made.  Was about Chase as preacher here at this December 6 meeting.  He’s paid by the elders, he has to side with them.  They pay for his podcasting stuff.  A lot of these problems have come to the surface since he has been here. 

A comment was made.  If the elders walk out, then the church is ours. 

Comments were made about standing up in a public setting to call out the elders.  And various names were given as being willing to join Brandon in this. 

When Matthew 18 says take it before the church, it was said that doesn’t mean just the church here at Marietta.  Every congregation around here has to know what the elders are doing.  And that has already happened. 

Another comment that was made, this is what I’ve heard, and there are going to be some members who are literally going to get up and walk out and they won’t come back. 

This is just a small sampling of some of the things that have been said in back biting spirit led by Brandon, we have plenty other evidence as well.  Going forward Brandon will not be allowed to teach his personal Bible Class in the Annex any longer. 

We the elders, as well as others, have gone to Brandon privately to discuss Brandon’s sins with him on multiple occasions.  Elders have sat down with him on five occasions.  We have brought Brandon’s sins before the men of the congregation on February 6 and many of you men were there.  And now we are bringing these matters to the entire congregation.  Finley

Finley Morgan:

We have been patient, patient with Brandon for two years in hopes that he would repent.  It is now time for Brandon to decide whether or not he will. 

If Brandon decides not to repent of these actions per Matthew 18:15 and following that was just read then we have no choice to withdraw fellowship from Brandon.  We do not count Brandon as an enemy, but we admonish him as a brother. This is the final admonishon Brandon  At this time we are giving you the opportunity to express repentance, to apologize to the eldership and to the church for your actions. 

Brandon McMillin:

Can I ask a question?

Finley Morgan:

No, you can’t, you can, you can express your thought

Brandon McMillin:

I have been asked to repent.  You are right.  And I have asked repentance from what?  And I have told, been told that if I repent I can’t worship, participate even if I do not repent, I mean even if I do repent I am sorry.  That was told to me specifically by Johnny and Finley.  Even if I do not repent, even if I do repent I cannot serve is what you said. 


Finley Morgan:

Brandon we need to get through this.  Are you willing to repent?

Brandon McMillin:

I am willing to repent of anything that I do that might be contrary to the Lord’s Authority. 

Finley Morgan:

So you are not willing to repent of these sins?

Brandon McMillin:

I am willing to repent of any sin that I have committed against the church, against the Lord’s Authority, against the Bible.  And I stand behind that.  But I also know what I just heard was two things, because we record every one of our lessons.  And I just heard specific lies and and now if if we don’t want to hear the truth that is why I record it is because we want to but that’s not a sin to record.  It says in Matthew 18 and following right there, we do this so that every word may be established.  And so I, If I have sinned against the Lord or His church I repent. 

Finley Morgan:

Brandon we have no choice

Brandon McMillin:

You don’t take my repentance?

Finley Morgan:

I don’t, I don’t think what you have offered is repentance.  Brandon I’m not going to argue.

Brandon McMillin:

So we don’t want to judge my heart, that is where I’m going with this.  This is where I have been this whole time.  Is I ask, I ask if you give me some examples and I know that these are contradictions and conflicts we have.

Finley Morgan:

Brandon we have no choice.    You are not leaving us any choice Brandon

Brandon McMillin:

I repent, how many people here don’t understand that I repent of any sin that I did before the Lord. 

John Thompson:

You don’t think you sinned against the eldership. 

Brandon McMillin:

If that is before the Lord then I repent of it. 

Zack King:

Say it!

Brandon McMillin:

I repent of any sin that I may have done against these elders and against the Lord.  Can any one tell me a specific sin where I have, that I have done against these elders or against the Lord. 

Finley Morgan:

Ok, this is a formal letter withdrawing fellowship from Brandon McMillin on this day Sunday, December 11, 2022.  To the Marietta Church of Christ.  Let it be known that after these meetings, Brandon McMillin to repent of the following sins.  Lashing out, disrespecting the elders in a public Bible class setting.  Holding grudges against a brother in Christ.  Causing divisions and backbiting against the eldership.  Refusing to submit to the elderships authority.  Because of Brandon’s refusal to repent of these said sins we ask the congregation not to have no choice but mark Brandon McMillin as one who has caused divisions and offenses contrary to the doctrine of Christ.  Romans 16:17.  We have no choice but to withdraw fellowship, avoid him.  We do not take this decision lightly.  We have shed tears, we have had countless nights of sleep over this decision.  We do not count Brandon as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother to repent.  Brandon we love you.

Brandon McMillin:

What do I specifically need to say in order to meet your requirements for repentance?

Finley Morgan:

Brandon needs to apologize you need to apologize for your actions to the entire church.  You need to apologize for your actions to the eldership and you need to bring forth fruit of repentance.  I haven’t seen that in you at all.  All I have seen is

Danny Frazier:


Finley Morgan:

We pray you will repent before it is too late. 

Brandon McMillin:


Finley Morgan:

In Christian love, Greg Hambrick, Finley Morgan and John Thompson, elders for the Marietta Oklahoma church of Christ. 

John Thompson:

Offer if anyone else wants to repent

Finley Morgan:

There are I know, others who have been involved in this.  If any of you would like to repent at this time. 

Chase would you leave us in a closing prayer. 

Chase Green:

Father in Heaven, we love You, we love this congregation.  We love the elders, all the member and we love Brandon.  We love everyone who has been involved in this situation.  Father we love them.  We would not be here this morning without love for You.  Father this is hard.  It is often times called the forgotten commandment.  One of the hardest commandments in the world.  Father help us, we don’t take this lightly.  It is not something we want to do but Father we have to preserve the unity of your body here at Marietta.  Father we pray that you know we want to serve you we want to do what is right.  Father we love you.  We want to do what is right.  Father we acknowledge that we are not perfect.  We know this congregation is not perfect there is not a perfect congregation.   Father we pray we will be your congregation.  We love your word we love you.  We love everyone here.  Father help us.  Please be with us as we dismiss.  It is in Jesus’ name we pray amen. 

121122 Disfellowship
00:00 / 33:15





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